We have partnered with Curated- Gifts of Meaning to create and deliver the finest luxury gifts for our most discerning clients.
Luxury, one of a kind gifts, curated gifts of meaning
Curated- Gifts of Meaning is a unique source for creating the most unique, client-specific curated gifts that can convey how truly important these clients are to you.
The purpose of giving is to convey a meaningful expression about how you view your relationship with the receiver. At Balance Point Construction, we take gift giving very seriously and find that it has become an anticipated event for those who have received them in past years.
Packaging: Your First Impression
Curated gifts are expertly packaged to create intrigue, excitement, and set the tone for the incredible gift that awaits the receiver upon opening the custom hard sided box.
Engagement: The Experience of Receiving
From the visual interest of the bow, the feel of the raised embossed branding, and the unique functioning of the box all creates a memorable and meaningful experience for the recipient. This all increases the memory retention and dopamine intensity from receiving the gift.
Opening the gift: Overwhelming Joy
We have all been there when we receive a gift to only have if fall flat for any number of reasons. Whether it didn't hold value to the receiver, a complete miss on what they would enjoy or the WORST: it was generic and felt very run-of-the-mill. Certain relationships hold great value and those relationships should be noted with a truly one-of-a-kind gift that is accompanied by a joyous experience for the receiver.
Setting the bar: The Final Goal, The Meaning
Curated, Gifts of Meaning does just that: conveys the meaning behind why they were chosen to receive a special gift from the giver. The meaning differs from "Happy Holidays" and "You have great value to us", to "You're essential to my success".
We believe that there is great joy in GIVING gifts to those in our lives and give with enthusiasm every year. Our lists change, the theme and content changes but the meaning is always there; YOU have GREAT Value to US!
Learn more about Curated, Gifts of Meaning please visit Curated, Gifts of Meaning.